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Showing posts from August, 2020

Portuguese ships attacked by Islamic pirates

In 1505, Almeida, appointed as the viceroy of the Indian coast by the Portuguese king, arrived with 1,500 troops and a large fleet. He was the first to change the attitude of aggression and bring the practice of peaceful trade, which was considered the policy of the Portuguese. He also heard about the great empire of Vijayanagar. Lorenzo l, the son of Viceroy Almeida, asked King Narasimha for permission to build a fort in Bhatkal, but the king refused. Sabayo, the governor of Adilshah in Bijapur, was at war with Narasimha of Vijayanagar at that time. Vijayanagar was then a city with all the appearance of a metropolis. The city was known for its military prowess, wealth, and prosperity. There were forty thousand soldiers who were always ready, about four hundred elephants, and about six men on each elephant. Through the equal distribution of wealth, the ordinary people experienced the king's administrative skills. Meanwhile, forty-eight Portuguese traders were killed in an Islamic a

Arrival of the Portuguese in India

Raichur and Goa remained under the control of the Sultan of Bijapur. The last historical event of the reign of Adilshah is also clear from the article of Firishta. It is astonishing that between 1509 and 1510, the Christians killed the Governor of Goa and many Muslims. Realizing this, Adilshah, along with his 3,000-strong army and natives, recaptured the fort at Goa and killed many Christians. These were the Portuguese who entered Goa in 151. Ahmednagar. Ahmed Nizam Shah, who declared his independence in Ahmednagar in 1490 AD, died in 1508 and was succeeded by his seven-year-old son Burhan. Adilshah died in 151 and was succeeded by his son Ismail. The city of Vijayanagar was taken over by Krishnadeva Raya in 1509. The battle of Raichur dealt a heavy blow to Ismail and ensured the ultimate victory of the Vijayanagara king. Before embarking on an analysis of the reign of Krishnadevaraya, it is necessary to know the occupation of the Portuguese Christians. They s

Adil Shah of Bijapur killed by Narasimha

In 1493, Adilshah moved against Raichur and clashed with Narasimha, the minister of Vijayanagar. The victory was for Adilshah, but Adilshah was seriously injured and died. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Narasimha came to power in Vijayanagar. Firishta wrote about the fall of the old dynasty and the rise of Narasimha. After poisoning the weak king of Vijayanagara, Narasimha turned his underage brother into his puppet and gained dictatorship. Following Narasimha's death, his son Narasa came to power. By marrying the daughter of the former king, he increased his dominance and prestige in the kingdom. Here is another very plausible explanation. In 1489, Adil Khan proclaimed himself king of Bijapur. Soon after his enemy, Qasim Barid, who had ruled over many parts of Ahmedabad, became jealous and marched against Bijapur, collaborating with Vijayanagar, promising to reward Mudkal and Raichur. Sometime later, around 1493 AD, Sultan Yusuf Adil Khan set out for Krishna to

Early kings of the Second Vijayanagar Dynasty.

The strongest of the many dynasties that ruled South India was that of Narasimha, the second dynasty to come to power in Vijayanagar in 1487 AD. Narasimha came to power when king Padeyarao who subdued the country in the face of oppressive Islamic extremists and was overthrown by the people due to public outrage. He was a powerful and famous ruler. Narasimha was a member of the Saluva family, who had a decisive influence on society. They were already influential in the inner circles of power. Narasimha was also known as Maharaya. Under his strict rule, the city of Vijayanagar was steady and robust enough to resist the Islamic invasion. The last rulers of the first dynasty are believed to be in power till 1490 . According to historical records, Narasimha and Veeranarasimha ruled the country till 1509 when Krishnadevaraya came to power. Achutha succeeded Krishnadevaraya in 1530 and Sadasiva in 1542. Sadasiva was under the control of his ministers Ramaraya, Thiruma

The Fall of Bahmani Sultanate

Governor Muhammad Gawan set out from Bidar to attack Vijayanagar with his army. According to the available figures, Vijayanagar had three hundred elephants, one lakh infantry and fifty thousand horses. The Sultan's army consisted of nine hundred thousand infantry and five hundred and seventy - five elephants. The king of Vijayanagar, a large city surrounded by three forts with gorges on one side and valleys on the other, was very powerful. During the month-long war, many people lost their lives without access to food and water. Muhammad, who ascended the throne at Kulberga in 1482 AD at the age of twelve, was only nominal in his reign. As the upper classes turned against Muhammad's rule, the atmosphere became unsustainable. The governor of Goa declared his independence and invaded many places, setting the stage for a civil war. Later, the country itself became fragmented as the higher echelons of the authorities became synonymous with disciplinary violations. Vijay

Attack on Rajahmundry by Muhammad Shah II

According to the historical narrative of Firishta, Muhammad Shah's subsequent move was aimed at Narasimha Raya of Rajamundri. Despite a strong army of about seven hundred thousand infantry and five hundred elephants like the 'Iron Mountains', the king retreated like a coward. The sultan came to know of the town of Conchee, which has several temples not far from his base in Malur, and destroyed the city completely. Mohammad continued his advance to Masulipattam and ended his series of attacks. On his return to Kondapalli, he assassinated his governor Muhammad Gawan. The assassination of Muhammad Gawan paved the way for the collapse of the Bahmani Empire. Although the Sultan's plan to invade and capture Goa from Vijayanagara's control, the king of Vijayanagara sent troops, but after the death of Muhammad Shah on March 21, 1482, the plan of attack was halted. It is worth noting some of the descriptions given by the Russian traveler Athanasius Ni

Hindus of Kondapalli executed by Muhammad Shah ll

The Bahmani Empire was later divided into five princely states due to continuous internal strife. After the death of Ala-ud-din in 1458, his cruel son Humayun came to power. The next year he himself invaded Telangana and made an attempt to seize Devarakonda, but Humayun's army was driven out, unable to resist the strong resistance of the Hindus. When Humayun died in September 1461, it was a great relief to the people of Bahmani. Mallikarjuna is believed to have been the king of Vijayanagar at that time. After Humayun, Nizam shah succeeded him, but his rule did not last long. His brother Muhammad came to power in 1463 as heir apparently in the middle of 1469.During the reign of the Virupaksha I, Muhammad Gawan, Muhammad shah’s minister, marched with his army to the Western Ghats and conquered Goa, which was under Vijayanagara rule. The war was in retaliation for the massacre of some Muslim horsemen in 1469 AD. During this period, seaborne trade was completely dominated b

Internal conflicts in Vijayanagar Empire

It is unclear who ruled over the Vijayanagara Empire after Devaraya II according to historical Writings. This is because the end of the first dynasty took place in 1449. There is also an unconfirmed opinion that Devaraya III ruled between 1444 and 1449 AD. It has been argued that Mallikarjuna and Virupaksha (AD 1470) were the successors of Devaraya II. Rajasekhara, one of Mallikarjuna's two sons, is mentioned in the inscriptions of 1479 - 80 and 1486 - 87. The inscription of 1483 - 84 also contains references to another son, Virupaksha II. Historian Nunis' writings are consistent and concise, relying on traditional sources while different conclusions exist. Six months after the assassination attempt, Pinaraya, the son of Devaraya II, died, and Nunis records that it was Devaraya II himself was attacked. There is also an argument that it must have been before April 1443. After Pinaraya, he had an unnamed son who made no special contributions of his own. I

The Palace and Court of Vijayanagar

The people of Vijayanagar used to cultivate roses and sell roses. Roses and their trade were as popular as their food. There were a lot of professional businesses there. There were also shops selling jewelry made of precious metals such as gold and diamonds. Overflowing streams and numerous canals can be seen there. To the left of the palace stood a palace-sized hall. In front of it was a hall more than two meter high and about twenty meters long. It was within this that court proceedings took place. In the middle of this, the Divan, known as Danaik, sits alone in a high seat, listens to the complainants, and after passing an unopposed verdict, passes through the seven gates and submits the information to the king. Containers full of gold coins were kept in several chambers inside the king's palace. Opposite the Diwan couch, several barns with thatched roofs and strong walls were built to house the elephants. Twelve thousand soldiers guarded the governor's residence

Seven Forts of Vijayanagar Empire

Twenty years after the visit of Nicola Conte, let us examine the travel experience of Abdur Razak, a Persian traveler who visited Vijayanagar during the reign of Devaraya II. During his voyage from Kozhikode to Vijayanagar in 1443, Razak was amazed by a small temple made of bronze. There is also a reference to a temple that is notable for its unique architecture. Vijayanagara, which stretches from the Krishna River to Kanyakumari, had a thousand elephants and about 11 lakh troops. The Vijayanagara kings defended the country by building seven strong forts and huge walls to protect the country from being penetrated by the waves of enemy army. The city's surveillance system and intelligence system were considered the best in the world. A traveler coming from the south can see the beginning of the fort that lie between the two hills southwest of the Hospet as the first defensive system. After that entrance you will reach the second stage with farms, houses and

Festivals of Vijayanagar Empire

There were three important celebrations during the year. In the first, women, men and children bathe in the river or sea, put on new clothes and ornaments, sing and dance for three days and nights and participate in the celebration. Secondly, oil lamp was kept in the temple courtyard day and night. The third celebration, which lasts for nine days, takes place on all major thoroughfares. Decorated pillars are placed on several places in the city. These pillars are decorated with garlands and cloths of various colors including gold . A person who is willing to endure anything and completely pious will be carried to the top of each pillar every day. Fruits like oranges and lemons are thrown at them by passers-by and they endure it patiently. In another festival, people will celebrate by pouring saffron-mixed water on each other's bodies. It is customary for everyone, even the king and queen, to take part in it. The first of these celebrations is thought to have been the &q

The Grandeur of Vijayanagar in the fifteenth century

It is necessary to move away from historical analysis and gain an understanding of the condition of the metropolis Vijayanagar at that time. As early as 1375, the Sultan Mujahid Shah of Kulbarga heard about the fame of Vijayanagar and wanted to see the beauty of the capital city. The city has grown and the importance and grandeur of it lasted for half a century. According to Niccolo Conte, an Italian who visited Vijayanagar after Devaraya II came to power, Vijayanagar was located close to steep mountain ranges. Ninety thousand warriors were present in the city of Vijayanagar, which was secured by huge walls that stretched for sixty miles to reach the mountains. Within the city of Vijayanagar, there were mountains full of towering cliffs that could form an extraordinary defense. The city boundary stretched for miles through these mountains. The valleys, covered with high cliffs, were inhabited by people. The houses built of stone were inhabited by merchants and the upper cla

Heroic death of Vijayanagar Prince

Six months later, King Devaraya died and his son came to power. His name is not clear. No other achievement is recorded in his name except that he made innumerable donations to the temples. His successor was Virupaksha Raya. It was during his reign that the events leading up to the downfall of the first dynasty began. We need to look back at some of the events that took place in the second half of 1443. Sultan Ala-ud-din, who knew about the assassinate attempt on the king by deception and the assassination of the royal dignitaries in Vijayanagar. He then sent a message to the king asking for seven lakh Varahas (Currency of Vijayanagar). It was part of Ala-ud-din's plan to overthrow Devaraya's rule. Infuriated at receiving such a message, Deva Raya sent a negative reply and prepared for battle. The army was sent to both the borders and this caused great damage. The King sent his sons to attack Raichur and Bijapur. Realizing the danger, the Sultan called his troops fr

Alla-ud-Din Shah's conquest on Vijayanagar

After taking power of Bahmani the first thing Ala-ud-din had done was sending his brother Muhammad Khan with a strong army to invade Vijayanagar. Devaraya had withheld tribute for five years and refused to pay the arrears. He invaded and conquered the kingdom of Vijayanagara and killed many Hindus. The king then wished peace and brought back the atmosphere of peace by gifting twenty elephants, immeasurable wealth, hundreds of female slaves, singers and dancers, as well as many valuable gifts to Mohammad. He then turned against his brother Alla-ud-Din. Muhammad received all the help of Devaraya. However, Muhammad was defeated in the battle with the Sultan's army. Sultan Ala-ud-din later pardoned Muhammad and gave him the territory of Raichur and the fort. In 1444 Devaraya began to compare the strength of his army to that of his powerful neighbor Kulberga. He convened a meeting of the nobles and prominent Brahmins. The king asked the council why they were failing to defe

Ahmad Shah's withdrawal from Vijayanagar

Ahmad Sha went for hunting one day. He was advancing without the escort of his followers nearly twelve miles from his camp. Realizing that Sultan was not accompanied by his troops, the Hindus set out to assassinate him. As the panicked Sultan made his way very fast to reach the small earthen building built for the cattle in the plains to escape, the fallen mounds of earth on the way stood as a hindrance in the way. At that time, the Bahmani soldiers rushed to the Sultan's help. This posed a challenge to the pursuing enemy forces and gave the Sultan enough time to reach his shelter. When the Hindus tried to advance, it resulted in a confrontation with the Sultan's army. A small army of Hindus who are not ready to surrender fought to the death. Many of them were killed and many more wounded. A small number of Hindu soldiers approached the hut where he was hiding. He was relieved that Abd al-Qadir, the army chief who had rushed to the Sultan's aid, came with a help

Brutal attack on Vijayanagar by Ahmad Sha Bahmani

In 1419, Devaraya II, the king of Vijayanagar, fought with Firuz Shah. The Sultan's attack on the Warangal fort failed miserably .The situation was no different in Pangul. The Vijayanagara army, consisting of horses, elephants and infantry, marched fiercely against the Sultan. Firuz Shah fought despite knowing that he had a weak army. Let's see what Firishta has to say about this. General Mir fazal Olla heroically led an army of Islamic forces to victory; things changed when one of his own allies received a reward from Devaraya and switched the sides by Attacking on Fazal Olla’s head. Defeated, the Sultan escaped. It was his brother, Ahmad Khan, who led the sultan to victory in the ensuing battles. Hindus were expelled from the country. Firuz Shah, worried about the misfortunes that followed him, wanted to hand over the reins of power to his son, Hassan, the husband of the beautiful girl, but the sultan, under pressure, appointed Ahmed Khan to succeed him. After the

Firus Shah repelled by Hindus of Telangana

On his return to the country's capital, Firuz Shah called the beautiful girl, who refused to Marry Devaraya and get her married to his eldest son, Hassan Khan who was known as a weak prince. Later he was easily ousted by his uncle Ahmad Shah and the throne. Then Hassan Khan settled in a palace in Firozabad. Ahmad Shah I granted all liberties to Hassan Khan within eight miles of the palace. But then Ahmad Shah blinded Hassan Khan and confined him inside the palace. These events took place after 1434 and recorded by Firishta. Devaraya I lived until 1412. He was succeeded by his son Veera Vijaya. Veera Vijaya ruled for six years. According to Nunis Devaraya is said to have been in power till1412-13 and Veera Vijaya from 1413-14, the reign of Devaraya II, the successor of Veera Vijaya, started from 1424-25 AD. However, Firishta says that Devaraya II came to power in 1419. No significant developments were recorded during the reign of Veera Vijay by Firishta too.

Unfortunate Marriage of Vijayanagar Princess to Firuz Shah Bahmani

At the beginning of a winter of 1406, the Sultan's army approached Vijayanagar. They attacked the city, looted houses and occupied the streets. Firuz Shah was then forced to give up everything and retreat as the city dwellers chased away the Islamic militants. That victory prompted Devaraya to defend his army within the walls. At the same time, he set out to retaliate against the Sultan's camp. In the rocky area of Vijayanagar, the Islamic militants were unable to use their cavalry properly and lost confidence. At the same time, Firuz Shah's hand was wounded by an arrow. Eventually, the king’s army retreated, kneeling before the might of Ahmed Khan and Khan Khan, and the Sultan withdrew from the city and stayed elsewhere for four months, waiting for the wounds of him and other wounded soldiers to heal. Devaraya, who was defeated in the war, was imprisoned in the capital. At the same time, the corpses of the slain Vijayanagara soldiers were desecrated and mutilat