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The City of Victory Established

Another legend of the origin of Vijayanagara is that the two brothers fled from Warangal to Anegundi for some other reason. Living under Islamic rule diminished their status as Hindus. They were initially compelled to accept service under the Islamic invaders but in the end it was their patriotism that saw success. What they did was to give up the comforts and reach out to their core Hindu faith. According to the historian Couto, Madhavacharya was supported by food brought by a poor shepherd named Bukka while leading a monastic life in the mountains. One day Madhavacharya said to the shepherd, "You will be the king and emperor of Hindustan." The accompanying shepherds realized this and gave special consideration to their leader. After adopting the name " Raya", he began to attack five of his neighbors. These included the Canara, the Taligas, the Congivirao, the Negapattavu, and Badagas. Eventually he called himself Bokarao and became their leader. The king of Delhi attacked him but was defeated and retreated. He later founded a city called Vijayanagaram. The natives called it the "Land of the Canara." However, he has maintained the tradition of aggression of the Sultan of Delhi and his subsequent retirement. Another authoritative opinion is that Bukka and Harihara were the landlords of Hoysala Ballales. There are many stories here to trace the origin of the Vijayanagar. We can choose what we want. 
The most appropriate is the description taken from the general framework of Hindu epics in conjunction with the strength of the historical fact. In view of this, the Hindus of the Kuruba caste, who were religious and had served in the treasury of the king of Warangal, fled the area with the destruction in 1323 by Thuglaq and served under the insignificant king of Anegundi. They and their leader were terrified of Islamic invaders and took vows to protect their country and religion. One of the brothers was promoted to minister of Anegundi and the other to the charge of the treasury. In 1334, Baha-ud-din, the nephew of Thuglaq, was granted asylum by the head of state and the Sultan invaded and conquered Anegundi. After that, Tughlaq returned and appoint Malik in the administration. Realizing that his subjects were strong, Malik had no choice but to re-establish the country into Hindutva. The brothers, who were ministers and in charge of the treasury, became king and minister, respectively. The two brothers were Harihara and Bukka I.


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